“I don’t want to be empty-handed at the throne of God because I scraped into eternity with my salvation. I want to bring a gift to the King of kings. I want to honor Him with my life on earth. I want to run the race and fight the good fight of faith. I want Him to know that He has always been my prize. And most of all, I want to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
—The Opposite Life by Alex Seely

My Story
“Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world”…it’s ok for me to share some solid faith-based encouragement and lyrics from Journey in the same sentence, right? I mean, if that doesn’t tell you how my brain works, I don’t know what does.
I’m Tracy, born & raised in a super small town (my graduating class had 35, b/c that’s how you define how small your town is based on the size of your HS graduation class), lived the country life on a farm, barefoot and happy exploring life with my brother & cousins.
Fast forward to my college days where I spent most of my time trying to define my inner self and figuring out who I was all while God was writing my story and placing me in relationships & experiences that would lead me to the next step in my life. I graduated from Monmouth College (Go Scots!) and accepted a position as a traveling Financial consultant for my sorority, Pi Beta Phi. This small town girl had no idea what living in a lonely world really meant, until she hit the road with one very large and heavy suitcase (that was before the 50lb weight limit…we used to have 75lb suitcases), and traveled weekly. Exploring this country and Canada on my own was exactly what my naive self truly needed…to see life on a grander scale and realize there was so much more outside of the county I had lived in for 21 years.
In 2003, I moved to Chicago and met the man of my dreams at Enterprise Rent-A-Car…we fell in love, got married and had lots of babies! We spent 13 years in Chicago growing our family, raising our 4 incredible children and building a foundational marriage that would sustain us through our move to Kansas. In 2016 we moved to OP, Kansas and have settled into our life here…well as much as you can with still being fairly new to a city and having been hit with a world pandemic.
I know I’m not alone that this world has challenged us adults (and parents) in more ways than we ever expected in this lifetime. Here’s where my heart is now…I’m done being quiet (protecting my people pleaser peace) b/c God told me to sound off…speak His name loud and clear because all of what we are going through in this life means nothing if we are not in relationship with Him. I’ve sat back, watched, listened and prayed over this podcast and here is what you are going to learn about me as you listen in:
I have a passion for a personal & loving relationship with Jesus!
I’m a woman who fights in and for her marriage…I’ve seen the beauty from the ashes.
I’m a mom who will fight for her children, their rights, our rights as parents and I know no matter how we lead them as parents, God is their compass.
I’m beyond the feelings that because I don’t make the same decisions as the next person that I am anything but a child of God, a good wife and mom. And my hope and prayer for you listening to our podcast is that you will feel the same…Jesus is yours…He has given you the authority to step into your unlikeliness.
So there you have it… a little bit of my story…and for the rest, I guess you just need to listen to the podcast ;)